WHOIS is a publically available database that lets you find who owns a particular domain. WHOIS stands for “who is the Internet Service.” In other words, it tells you who is responsible for the particular domain name. You will find all information starting from domain creation date, registration, and other details. If you need accurate details about the availability of a domain, our WHOIS Checker has you covered.
Our WHOIS Checker tool is developed to provide you with trusted information about a domain name registration. This tool is particularly useful if you want to conduct a domain name transfer. People use our tool to check when a domain expires and how to contact the owner of the domain.
Here are some instances when webmasters need a reliable WHOIS Checker:
To find who owns the domain
See when the registration info was last updated
Learn about the domain’s status (expiration, active, available, etc.)
Find the DNS servers of the domain
To use the WHOIS Checker, follow these steps:
Click on the WHOIS Checker tool
A new window will open up
Enter the URL against which you need WHOIS data
Click “Get WHOIS data”
The information includes domain ID, registrar details, creation date, domain status, name servers, and other useful details.
Our tool sends an inquiry to the WHOIS server for extracting information about the domain entered. That means you will always get accurate information. Simply provide the URL and we will do the rest. Within a few seconds, all information will be displayed in front of you.