If you have a dynamic URL and you want to turn it into a static one, our URL Rewriting Tool has you covered. Our free tool helps you convert the longer URLs into short and static URLs.
Ask anyone in the field of search engine optimization of web development and they would say users prefer static URLs. Even small things like the URL of your website has a significant role to play in making it rank in the search engines.
Our tool is easy to sue and it’s super-efficient in generating static URLs in a single click only. Static URLs rank better in the popular search engines. Dynamic ones take a longer time than usual for ranking. Need help in making your URL static? Our tool has your back.
This URL rewriting tool does the work for you free of charge. Short URLs are user-friendly and easy to remember. It is easier to index or bookmark them.
Developing a static website is inexpensive. It’s even easier to host them. Small businesses mostly prefer static websites because the purpose of the site is just to create a presence and deliver information. It is even easier to rank them on Google. Therefore, choose a static website for your business and use our tool to shorten the URL and make it more effective.
Follow these steps to use our tool:
Click on the URL Rewriting Tool
A new window will open up
Enter the URL in the space provided
Click on “Submit”