Colors in the world on the internet are defined by codes instead of their names. RGB color codes are commonly used for defining colors in a web page. These color code values are based on the decimal number system. 10 unique characters are used for defining the numbers from 0 to 10.
Another color code value is Hex. They are based on the hexadecimal number system having 16 characters for defining the number. These characters include numbers from 0 to 9 and letters A to F. in both systems, counting is done the same way.
There are times you would need to convert RGB color codes into Hex color codes. For that, we bring you our RGB to HEX converter. The conversion is very simple. Just enter the RGB code in our tool and let it do the rest. You don’t have to remember any formula, our tool does the work for you.
Choose the red, green, and blue colors from the color and our tool will generate HEX, RGB, and HSL color codes for you in a matter of minutes.
Follow these steps to start the conversion:
Click on the RGB to HEX tool
A new window will open up
Enter the red, green, and blue color levels
You should also be able to see the color preview
Click on “Convert”
Our tool will show you three different colors i.e. HEX color code, RGB color code, and HSL color code.