Code to Text Ratio is the % of visual text used on a webpage. Having a Code to Text Ratio checker by your side is beneficial to determine the percentage of text and HTML code used on a website. Search engines use this information for identifying the relevancy of a web page.
A higher ratio is the indication that your website will rank better in search engines. Not all search engines use this code for ranking but some do, therefore, it’s best to have your website optimized for it. This will put your website on the first page of search results.
This code basically refers to HTML code embedded on your webpage. The text is the content written on the page. If there are images or backlinks of your webpage, then the amount of HTML code will be in excess. This is likely to increase the loading time. The user will have an unsatisfactory experience since your website takes a long time to load.
Don’t worry, our Code to Text Ratio checker will help you in optimizing your website for search engines by improving the ratio. Once you have the number, you can make the necessary changes.
Follow these steps to get started with our tool:
Click on the Code to Text Ratio check
Enter the URL in the section provided
Hit “Submit”
The results will show the code to text ratio, text content size, and total HTML size.
Get ready to make changes in the HTML code and content from there.